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Retail Security Services PCI-DSS

Recent cyber attacks indicate that retailers have become a coveted target for cyber criminals, hackers, and others. These small, highly skilled groups of actors are exacting disproportionate damage by exploiting weaknesses that are byproducts of business growth and technology innovation. While organizations have begun to focus attention and resources on combatting cyber risk, the issue is not going away. In fact, all evidence points to a problem that is growing ever-more challenging, as it shape-shifts to elude those that attempt to address it.

Having strategically harnessed technology to produce digital businesses, many companies are now creating the adaptable, scalable, and interconnected platform for an ecosystem-based digital economy. The speed at which newer technologies are being adopted by FIs significantly add to the security and compliance risks that need to be managed.

Unfortunately, the fast changes in the digital economy have also introduced intimidating risks. The financial services industry is under attack by numerous significant cybercriminal threats. In many cases where certain systems were breached, the method of compromise was attributed to simple configuration errors or missed patches that, in turn, gave rise to a critical vulnerability. Given the constant competitive pressure and the current economic strain to operate more efficiently, due care to address security risks is more challenging than ever.

Understanding Risks

The issue for retailers lies in balancing internal IT systems that store confidential data and customer information, with the need for their online environment to be a customer service enabler. A retailer’s internal data world must never meet that of the customer and it would put them at risk of compromising their data security and reputation.

Cyber Risk is a Business Issue

Assessing the state and security posture protecting Retail Services products and services has never been more important. Architecting required preventive controls is essential and implementing detective controls and processes are just as crucial.


In lieu of allocating resources to implement appropriate preventative controls, penetration testing is one alternative detective control that can expose areas of risk created when accelerated application development and overburdened system administrators inadvertently create vulnerabilities. Penetration Testing is also a fundamental security requirement for the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Unmatched Partnership

Orenda Security is uniquely positioned to assist the Retail industry. Our assessment and penetration testing services are designed to help you meet PCI compliance and standards requirements, but more importantly, to help you identify critical vulnerabilities that could lead to a significant data breach. Our security consultants are well versed in the Retail industry, and are strongly acquainted with the security challenges experienced by Retail clients and service providers. When it comes to our personal approach to delivering expert security services while establishing a strong partnership with our clients, we are unmatched in the industry.

Unique Value-add

As your trusted security advisors, we specialize in more than just identifying security risks. We help you understand how the security risks identified apply to your business products and services. Our reporting is also customized to help your technical staff quickly remediate issues and provide you with an executive summary serving C-level and board members. Client-facing summaries are also provided for assurance to your clients of security testing performed. Onsite presentations to your executive team to present findings and articulate business risk is a unique value-add in our delivery.

Whether needing to comply with PCI security testing requirements, security standards, or deploying a new product or service for your clients in our evolving digital economy, Orenda Security can help you obtain the continued security assurance you need now, and times to come.

Discover Our Services For:


What are the most valuable assets to your business? What if your information is already at high risk and you lose it? What would be the impact on your business, customers, and revenues? Could your organization afford to be down for just 1 day because of cybersecurity incident ? Even more concerning, what if your critical information is already compromised and you don’t know it.


Orenda Security assessment services simulate real world attempts to breach your networks, applications and cloud environments.


Orenda Security application assessment services are customized to help secure your business-critical applications and ensure compliance with your industry security requirements.


Partner with Orenda Security for your ongoing Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and have access to security professionals guiding you to securing your applications. Empower your development team and maintain the speed of your application delivery.


Partner with Orenda Security for your Static Application Security Testing (SAST) needs. Whether you need SAST testing now or have a tool in mind and a vision for how you would like to implement it or need help getting up and running. Let our professional application security professionals help you build security.


Partner with Orenda Security to get off the ground with Threat Modeling (TM). Threat modeling may be a foreign concept today, but our professionals have proven experience in developing these skills across several environments, industry’s, and delivery models. Our threat modeling professionals walk you through every step to build up the knowledge and practice within your team to meet your delivery models and processes.


Vulnerability Assessments (VA) & Vulnerability Management (VM)
Performing a vulnerability assessment can provide an accurate “point-in-time” representation of the organization’s security posture. However, this is not enough. There must be a mechanism incorporated into the procedures to ensure that the VA process is conducted on a continual basis. This is the only way to really minimize the overall risk.


Orenda Security assessment services simulate real world attempts to breach your networks, applications and cloud environments.



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Orenda Security ® is an elite information security firm founded on a spirit of integrity and partnership with our staff, and most importantly, our clients.