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Penetration Testing Services

Orenda Security assessment services simulate real world attempts to breach your networks, applications and cloud environments.

Orenda Security offers high-value penetration testing that models the activities of real-world attackers to find vulnerabilities in target systems and exploits them under controlled circumstances. Applying technical excellence to determine and document risk and potential business impact in a professional, safe fashion according to a carefully designed scope and rules of engagement with the goal of helping an organization prioritize its resources in improving its security stance. We customize our Penetration Testing offerings to ensure they meet your compliance requirements, such as PCI DSS penetration testing requirements.


Penetration Testing Process

System & infrastructure network vulnerability assessment and penetration testing is crucial to demystify the security exposures that are used to launch a cyber-attack through the internet. The security assessment of internet facing system or internal network tests helps discover the vulnerable network services that can be exploited by unknown threat sources.


Phase 1

Profiling & Discovery

This stage involves use of several scanning tools to identify live hosts and active services that include network mapping, banner grabbing, operating systems fingerprinting, service identification, protocol discovery and supported versions.


Phase 2

Infrastructure Security Assessment

Assessment stage involves automated scanning of vulnerabilities in network services, information systems and perimeter security controls by enterprise class tools with most updated feeds. In addition, manual assessments help verify the automated scan results to eliminate false positives.


Phase 3

Infrastructure Vulnerability Exploitation

This stage uses the information gathered on active ports and services with the related vulnerabilities to safely exploit the services exposed. Attack scenarios for production environment will use a combination of exploit payloads in strict accordance with agreed rules of engagement.


Phase 4


All exploitable security vulnerabilities in the target system are recorded with associated CVSS v2 based scores. The identified security vulnerability is assessed thoroughly and reported along with appropriate recommendation or mitigation measures.


Phase 5

Remediation & Reassessment

Remediation involves assisting to remediate all reported infrastructure security vulnerabilities. After remediation, a reassessment will be conducted to validate the effectiveness of the IT control counter-measures used in mitigating the reported security vulnerabilities.


Network &

During a network penetration test, we attempt to breach your network perimeter by exposing weaknesses in servers and network devices. We build on our initial access to your network to probe the network core and associated devices. We then study within the perimeter to identify additional methods for compromising your network’s defenses.
Assessing the security of your external network includes multiple steps. Key steps include:


Internal Penetration Testing

Focusing on exploiting private or internally accessible infrastructure and services that may pose a high risk to your business critical systems and applications. Assessing the security of your external network includes multiple steps. Key steps include:


External Penetration Testing

We focus on exploiting the following internet accessible infrastructure and services. Vigilance with external systems and services must be maintained as they are constant targets by hackers as an entry point to systems hosting sensitive information. By understanding the architecture of your external network and internet-facing services we can better identify threats and risks specific to your business environment. Common external targets include:


IoT Testing

IoT devices and infrastructure are being deployed everywhere from houses to critical infrastructure. Orenda Security Penetration Test approaches these tests by understanding the interaction between the different components and making each of them secure.

Depending on the specific target and scope you may expect these tasks and components be assessed:

Discover Our Services For:


What are the most valuable assets to your business? What if your information is already at high risk and you lose it? What would be the impact on your business, customers, and revenues? Could your organization afford to be down for just 1 day because of cybersecurity incident ? Even more concerning, what if your critical information is already compromised and you don’t know it.


Orenda Security application assessment services are customized to help secure your business-critical applications and ensure compliance with your industry security requirements.


Partner with Orenda Security for your ongoing Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and have access to security professionals guiding you to securing your applications. Empower your development team and maintain the speed of your application delivery.


Partner with Orenda Security for your Static Application Security Testing (SAST) needs. Whether you need SAST testing now or have a tool in mind and a vision for how you would like to implement it or need help getting up and running. Let our professional application security professionals help you build security.


Partner with Orenda Security to get off the ground with Threat Modeling (TM). Threat modeling may be a foreign concept today, but our professionals have proven experience in developing these skills across several environments, industry’s, and delivery models. Our threat modeling professionals walk you through every step to build up the knowledge and practice within your team to meet your delivery models and processes.


Vulnerability Assessments (VA) & Vulnerability Management (VM)
Performing a vulnerability assessment can provide an accurate “point-in-time” representation of the organization’s security posture. However, this is not enough. There must be a mechanism incorporated into the procedures to ensure that the VA process is conducted on a continual basis. This is the only way to really minimize the overall risk.


Orenda Security assessment services simulate real world attempts to breach your networks, applications and cloud environments.



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Orenda Security ® is an elite information security firm founded on a spirit of integrity and partnership with our staff, and most importantly, our clients.